Saturday, September 8, 2012

The Word Wall is ready to go.
My desk is ready to go.
Name tags placed on the desks.
Meeting Area is ready to go.

     Preparing my classroom for 2 weeks stirs up a feeling of excitement for me! Summer is quickly coming to an end. The beginning of the school year is finally here. It is so exciting to be able to start over again. A fresh start for each child with a new teacher and classmates. I am reminded of how lucky I am to have a job and the job I love. I have been busy buying new things for my classroom for weeks. I have been pinning ideas from Pinterest since last Spring. Wow I can't wait to try them! I will keep you up to date as I introduce them to my new class. 
     The name tags are on their desks. 24 new students for me....14 boys and 10 girls! I can't wait to meet them all.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

                                         June 13, 2012 Last Full Day of School "A Purplicious Memory"

I knew that I had something else I wanted to share. On the last full day of school my students dressed in every shade of purple to tribute my love of purple! It was a truly "Purplicious" day! I am holding a wonderful purple hydrangea plant given to me! <3

This video was made by 2 of my students and was recorded during recess using a Flip. I was so surprised! I will cherish it forever! :) They were so excited to give it to me. They told me that they wanted to make me a video because I made videos of them all year long. What a class! How lucky was I to have them?<3 Thanks  
Mrs. McGinnis, Theresa Hanson, and Paula McKenna

For the past 10 years my class and Mrs. McKenna's class have welcomed Theresa Hanson of Junior Achievement of America. She has taught our classes about Community. The children were engaged in many fun filled activities during the 5 week program.. On June 1, 2012 the children presented Theresa with beautiful cards and a plant. I would encourage any teacher to welcome a volunteer from Junior Achievement into their classroom.
Click on the link below to see our 5 week program Grade 2 Community with Junior Achievement of America.

Friday, June 15, 2012

On Wednesday May 30th we celebrated Field Day. Check out the Animoto video to see the fun!
It is so nice to see my students in a non-academic setting having fun!

Friday, May 25, 2012

I knew I had something more to say...

After listening to the book "Because of Winn Dixie" by Kate Di Camillo the students in Mrs. McGinnis' and Mrs. McKenna's classes wrote an "All About" book about their moms. In the story, the main character, who is being raised by her father, asks that her father tell her 10 things about her mother. The students were asked to interview family members to get information for their books. The books were titled "10 Things I Know About My Mother". Each book contained a dedication page, table of contents, 10 chapters, and a "Meet the Author" page. The children enjoyed writing, illustrating, and sharing their books. They especially enjoyed a chapter called "How To"... where they shared something their mothers taught them 
to do. Moms will enjoy the books forever!

~Irene McGinnis and Paula McKenna

This is a copy of the pre-writing interview sheet.

It took us a few weeks, but each student completed their book in time for Mother's Day! Here are some reactions reported by a few of my students. 

They were so proud of their books. Moms have told me that it was their best Mother's Day gift ever! 

Hello again,
We had so much fun making our "Silly Faces Spiders". It was another great idea that I found on Pinterest. They were asked to make their silliest faces! They were also asked what they would like Charlotte to write on her web? Please click on the Animoto video link below to view our latest video. I just love Animoto!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Hello again,

I pitched this great idea to my Art teacher Jean Norton-Ryan that I saw on Pinterest.
While reading Charlotte's Web in my class they are weaving her web in Art.
 What great collaboration! We are working on other ideas as well from Pinterest!
Stay tuned......

Jesse's Weaving
More Weaving
Niamh's Weaving
Ava's Weaving
Payton's Weaving
More Weaving
Keeley and Leo are weaving!
Henry's weaving
P.J."s Weaving